Tuesday, May 11, 2010

what's left?

I'd love to know what I'm doing right these days...it seems like everything I do is wrong.  I'm too negative....too bitchy...too jealous....too defensive...I'm just not sure what I do right anymore.  What's left of me that he still enjoys? 

It feels strange to love somebody so much and wonder if they feel the same?  Does he love me just because i'm the mother of his kids?  Is he still in love with me?  I'm scared....and sad about the whole situation.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

saturday night...

Tonite was curts bday outing downtown at the bob. I wanted nothing more than for him to have a great time and to not feel like I should speak up about something I don't agree with.  But sure enough...what happens...my insecurities once again got the best of me.   I got all dressed up and he never so much as said "oh hunni you look really pretty"  I just wanted to be noticed by him and no one else.  Im glad he had fun though.  He does deserve that every now and then.